Andrew Aversa of Impact Soundworks has returned with another tutorial video, this time demonstrating how to create lo-fi music with the Tape Sculptor versatile tape emulation effect plugin.

When most people think “tape”, they think about that subtle glue, fatness, and warmth it can add to your music. Tape machine plugins are often put on the master, or individual tracks, to add that analog magic. But that’s not what we’re talking about today :)

As someone who has listened to many, many hours of “24/7 Lo-fi Hip Hop Beats to Relax/Study/Chill Out To” I decided to take our Tape Sculptor plugin for a spin and create my own lo-fi music. In the video below you’ll learn how to transform regular instruments like pianos, drums, pads, and guitars into atmospheric sounds overflowing with vibe.

Of course, you don’t have to be an aspiring lo-fi hip hop producer to apply these techniques to many other styles of music! From film & game scores to ambient, New Age, EDM, jazz, and pop, being able to effortlessly create evocative, vintage-style sounds is sure to be useful.

Tape Sculptor is available for Windows and Mac in VST3, AU, AAX and CLAP plugin formats, priced $99 USD. A free trial version is available to download.

More information: Impact Soundworks