Ultimate Midi Plugin has announced the release of an update to the UChord plugin, a MIDI effect that creates chord progression based on a chord table and rhythm editor.

Version 1.4 adds the option for selection of multiple chords in the saved chords view and a selection sort button in the sidebar.

You can make a selection area by dragging on the background of the saved chords view, and toggle the selection state of each chord item by pressing the control key. Multiple chord items can be moved, inserted, or deleted at once.

Using the sort and move buttons in the sidebar, you can move the selected items to the front of the saved chords view or to the progression view without moving them by dragging. When moving the selected chord items, Automatic scroll bar movement is also supported. (You can also move the scroll bar quickly by using the mouse wheel.)

The UChord plugin for Windows (VST) is currently on sale for $15 USD (regular $49 USD).

More information: Ultimate Midi Plugin