Vienna Symphonic Library has announced the release of Vienna Ensemble PRO, a mixing host with MIDI and audio LAN capability.
Vienna Ensemble PRO works universally on Macs and PCs, hosting Vienna Instruments as well as 3rd party VSTi (PC), AU (Mac) instruments and effect plug-ins. With the 64-bit version of Vienna Ensemble PRO you can load as many samples into your RAM as you have available! Use it as a host on the same computer as your sequencer to integrate all your 64-bit and 32-bit instruments, or use it as a master-slave solution, even on cross-platform networks with multiple Macs and PCs. Run your sequencer on your main computer, launch Vienna Ensemble PRO on the slave computer, and simply connect them using an Ethernet cable. You can easily route the audio streams of a whole arsenal of computers back to your main machine.
Another major improvement is the new Preserve function. Now you can keep your templates and instruments loaded while switching from one project to another. Add to that many other new features and improvements, such as the sleek new user interface, the Optimize All function, full 64-bit support on the Mac, mixer automation, and you’re presented with the uber-host for sample-based music production on one or more computers!
New in Vienna Ensemble PRO
- 3rd party VSTi/AU hosting (multichannel) — Instantiate Vienna Instruments along with other 3rd party VST and AU instruments from Spectrasonics, Native Instruments, and more; supporting plug-ins with multiple outputs.
- Preserve Instance — Disconnect Vienna Ensemble PRO from your sequencer while keeping all of your instruments and samples loaded, and re-connect to a new cue or project without loading again.
- Mixer Automation — Use AU/VST/RTAS automation from your sequencer to control Vienna Ensemble PRO’s mixer (volume, pan and sends).
- Redesigned user interface — A sleek, calm new design that’s easy on the eye.
- Channel strip and mixer strip sizing — Switch between wide or narrow channel strips for optimal viewing and saving screen space.
- Customized viframe preset for Epic Orchestra Pack.
- Link Pages — When activated, all Vienna Instruments GUIs will show the same right pane window when switching tracks, e.g., the “Patch Assign” page.
- Optimize All — Clean up your RAM by purging all unused samples of all instantiated Vienna Instruments at once!
- Selective Project Merging — Assemble the parts of various existing projects into one new template.
- Multiple keyrange spans per instrument.
- Audio input channels — Route external audio directly into the mixer (stand-alone mode only).
- Audio input/output routing — Windows: Select active channels of an audio device to improve communication with other audio applications. Audio channels of an audio device can as well be used by other audio applications when deactivated in Vienna Ensemble PRO.
- Multiple Undo/Redo.
- Slave mode host tempo synchronization.
- Dual architecture servers — Run 64-bit and 32-bit Vienna Ensemble PRO Servers side-by-side on the same computer which makes it easy to integrate 32-bit 3rd party instruments into your templates.
- Full Mac OS X 64-bit support — Utilize the full memory of your Mac.
- Improved loopback performance (Mac) — Running Vienna Ensemble PRO Server on the same machine as your sequencer now puts much less strain on your system and will perform more reliably.
- Hosting of Cocoa AU instruments and effects (32-bit and 64-bit) — Vienna Ensemble PRO can host both Carbon and Cocoa AU plug-ins, making it one of the first hosts to handle 64-bit AU’s on the Mac.
- VST3 and RTAS connector plug-ins — Vienna Ensemble PRO supports up to 32 MIDI ports and 128 audio ports per instance.
- PC server interface plug-in: VST/VST3 (64-bit and 32-bit).
- PC server/stand-alone: 32-bit and 64-bit.
- Mac server interface plug-in: RTAS (32-bit Intel, PPC); AU/VST/VST3 (32-bit and 64-bit Intel, 32-bit PPC).
- Mac server/stand-alone: 32-bit and 64-bit for both Intel and PPC Macs (Intel recommended. PPC not actively supported).
Vienna Ensemble PRO (includes Epic Orchestra, a free Grand Orchestra Sample Pack) is available for purchase for the introductory price of 149 EUR through October 7, 2009 (regular price 195 EUR).
More information: Vienna Symphonic Library / Vienna Ensemble PRO
yeah me either…I don’t have a ton of machines to hook up. I do like it’s ability to address more ram than a 32bit host can. so if you have a 64bit os, but your host is 32bit, you can load this up and access all your 64 bit plugins.
seems cool.
for the price, I’d have to be runnning huge libraries and needing to load them all at once like a composing situation to justify it lol.
Haven’t tried it. Looks like a nice LAN capable host, but not really my type of thing…
Hey man I’ve been checking this out, trying to find some more info on it. Have you had a chance to mess with it?
Looks pretty nice.