Waldorf has released version 1.1.0 of Largo, a synthesizer plug-in for Windows and Mac.
This update is not only a “bug fix”, it also carries a bunch of new features e.g. the Mod Delay, a completely revised Reverb and an extended multi-part function plus several additional enhancements.
Changes in Largo v1.1.0
- [Windows] Fixed file name hieroglyphes when saving in Live and some other hosts.
- [Windows] Fixed file loading in Live and some other hosts.
- [Windows] Fixed non-working plug-in on Pentium III or similar CPUs.
- [Mac] Fixed crash in Logic and other Audio Unit hosts with mono instances.
- Fixed wrong mouse wheel and key up/down value change steps.
- Fixed incorrect focus on static text controls when stepping through controls with tab.
- Fixed incorrectly displayed FX parameters for parts 2..4.
- Fixed non-active FM Sources (Osc 1..3) being processed erroneously.
- New Modulation Delay replaces the old Delay effect.
- New Reverb replaces the old Reverb effect.
- Multi Button with states Layer/Part.
- Diction “Part” instead of “Layer”.
- Sound selection moved to header section.
- Glided moved to Common page.
- Unison moved to Common page.
- Allocation moved to Common page.
- Multiple instances share images only once.
- “PWM” replaced with “Wave”.
- “Drive Type” replaced with “Drive Curve”.
- Dark rectangles around some popup menus removed.
- Fixed some redraw errors.
- About Box with credits.
- Demo Version available.
Largo 1.1.0 is available for Windows and Mac as a free update for Largo users. An updated manual is available for download as well.