Cinematique Instruments has released Geiger Counter, a non-harmonic percussive sequencer based pattern generator module for Kontakt.
It is contrary to Cement a non-harmonic percussive module which is best suited to lend your music production a contemporary percussive color. You can easily create groovy patterns built out of bits, glitches and blips!
Geiger Counter comes up with two different sound groups which can create numerous sound colors: There are firstly six different sounds of bits, glitch and blips – available twice at two separate tracks and secondly six different noise samples. For modifying the character of your pattern, Geiger Counter provides plenty of options to change the sound to your very own requirements: lowpass- and highpass filter (with a random high- and highpass filter (with a random high- and low pass modulator), distortion-, lofi- and speaker switches, a cacophony (!) switch, separate fader to set the length and volume of all three tracks and separate slider to set the amount of two delays and a reverb.
Geiger Counter runs in Standalone mode as well as in-sync to your host application. Select one of the six different samples by clicking the mouse button and moving it over on the 16th note of your choice to play the sound. That´s it! Beside that Geiger Counter provides shuffle- and tempo modes and finally load/ save switches to save/recall your entire setting of Geiger Counter.
Geiger Counter for Kontakt is available to purchase for €16 EUR (excl. VAT).
More information: Cinematique Instruments / Geiger Counter