VST Buzz has launched a limited time sale on two Kontakt instrument libraries from Keepforest.

Evolution: Devastator Action Twisted Industrial Toolkit incorporates everything you need for full-fledged and high-quality works, ranging from classic, metal and hybrid hits, ending with round robin pulses and playable presets of braams necessary for hybrid, dark trailer sound designs, as well as for composing soundtracks.

Evolution: Devastator Deathmatch delivers a premium collection of hand-crafted custom signature sound effects, trailer braams, brasses, signals, distorted basses, playable pads & atmos, cinematic loops and artist stems. The library has a dark and gritty character that can be heard in a lot of trending movies and TV series.

The libraries are on sale for 79 EUR each until June 6th, 2023 (regular 199 EUR). Requires the full version of Kontakt 6.5.2 or higher.

More information: VST Buzz – Sadly, VST Buzz has shut down. Visit Plugin Boutique or Audio Plugin Deals to check for current deals on plugins and sound libraries.