Korg has introduced the volca Keys lead synthesizer, volca Bass synthesizer and volca Beats rhythm machine, three true-analog synthesizers with built-in sequencers to generate the ultimate analog leads, basses, and rhythms.

Following in the footsteps of the monotron, monotribe, and MS-20 Mini analog synthesizers, Korg announces the volca series. volca is a new lineup of EDM production tools comprised of three distinct models: the volca Keys lead synthesizer, the volca Bass synthesizer, and the volca Beats rhythm machine. These powerful and fun-to-use true-analog devices deliver a diverse array of fat sounds that can be obtained only from an analog synthesizer.
Each is also equipped with sequencing/recording capabilities for intuitively generating performances. Multiple volcas can be used in tandem via the vintage-style sync in/out, and with your favorite DAW software or MIDI keyboard via MIDI In. Battery operation and built-in speakers mean that you can conveniently play anywhere and anytime.
These are the next-generation analog synthesizers, bringing you the ultimate sounds and grooves with ease and depth. Whether used together or by themselves, the volca series is poised to inject true analog power into any performance or studio setup!
More information: Korg / Volca Series
These look really cool! According to Peter at CDM they’ll be available this July, priced at $149 USD each.
They look like souped-up versions of the STYLOPHONE.