Tek’it Audio has released version 1.1 of Badass, a distortion effect plug-in for Windows.
“Badass VST” update 1.1, a filter and distortion plug-in, is available now. This new version has several bug fixes and exciting new features. Among this changes we added a frequency controller to the Ring Modulator, the filters can be POST or PRE processing and a central readout can now display the value of a knob when you move it.

Changes in Badass v1.1
- New main screen with central readout.
- dB input and ouput display.
- Filter can be PRE or POST proccess.
- Max filter frequency now 22KHz.
- Gain Bug on 800Hz cut resolved.
- Max LOFI frequency now 24KHz.
- LOFI antialiasing switch added.
- Ring mod frequency control added.
- Bug on 24dB digit LP filter right channel resolved.
- Undo changes on all parameters added.
- Random on all parameters (except level, pan and bypass) added.
- Ring mod off ringing bug resolved.
- Level knob range changed to -72dB / +12dB.
- Peak LEDs more accurate.
- Peak LEDs ON/OFF switch added.
- Some cosmetic changes on the GUI.
Badass for Windows (VST) is available to purchase for 17 EUR / $23 USD.
More information: Tek’it Audio / Badass