The Loop Loft has announced a Rock & Pop Weekend, offering 50% off some of its sample libraries.
The Loop Loft is rockin’ a big sale this weekend, with all pop, rock and yes, dirty drum loops a whopping 50% off!
With a massive collection of grooves and fills in each downloadable pack, it’s like having a live, tattooed rock drummer at your fingertips…. except our loops won’t drink all of your beer or sleep with your girlfriend. We promise.
The Loop Loft Rock & Pop libraries
- Dirty Drums – $7.50 — Looking for drum tracks that have a bit of dirt on them? Something different from the majority of highly polished, squeaky-clean sounding loops. Well, look no further. Dirty Drums Volume 1 contains a wide array of grooves and tempos that will bring an extra edge to any of your productions. Using various methods of bit crushing, re-amping, stompboxing and creative mic’ing techniques, these loops will add some extra “crunch” to your tracks while keeping the groove nice and solid.
- Pop Drums – $12.50 — The Loop Loft has produced a set of drum loops specifically crafted for pop songwriting. Broken down into eight separate sessions (with six unique drum kits), Pop Drums Volume 1 covers a wide range of sonic textures and tempos, giving you ultimate flexibility for tracking and mixing. Each session contains a large variety of verse and chorus grooves along with drum fills to tie them all together. Listen to the example below for a small sampling of the 147 different loops contained inside of this highly versatile series!
- Rock Steady – $14.50 — Finally, drum loops that ROCK just as much as they ROLL. Culled from nine separate recording sessions and countless hours of tracking, Rock Steady Vol 1 boasts the widest range of rock drum grooves available in any individual loop pack. With everything from bombastic Bonham-esque back beats, Bun E Carlos-inspired power pop, low-fi indie rock and blister-inducing grooves that would make Dave Grohl proud, this is the ultimate in rock drum loops.
The Rock & Pop Weekend Sale ends March 7, 2011 at 12:00 PM EST.
More information: The Loop Loft
I think it’s just an oversight, either on the part of Marc or Loopmasters. It’s not that difficult to figure out what key the samples are in, but it just would’ve been handier if the files were already labeled with that info.
Good point about key info, many comps of late invariably omit key info in melodic sample parts, Would be smart to think that if you easily could ‘key’ these sample parts,(even with the amount of efx & filtering they’ve done to the sample!) You could make em up!….So the thought behind leaving out Key info, could just simply be even the producer of certain sample cds dont even know themselves!…….touche !….random midi files from unknown sources?……………I never thought I would see the day midi was being sampled ! hehe……Long live Midi!