Xoxos has announced the release of Element, a free sampler/sample player instrument for Windows.
not really a sampler oc, it’s a wav player, but people often call them samplers..
loads one sample, does some loop modulation stuff, prolly more or less the same as samplers like this (eg. helios). loads 8 and 16 bit mono or stereo wavs.. and not in a fancy way, though it loads all the samples i’ve got. this was produced because i released some open source modules for synthedit to help people develop wav players.. i figured i ought to wrap one as a vst.
Element features
- Wrap mode looping (‘normal looping’) with crossfade.
- Bounce mode looping (forward-reverse).
- Two crossfade modes: fixed time (up to 1s) or loop relative (up to entire length of loop).
- 4 interpolation modes: floor (‘none’), linear, cubic and hermite.
- Emulated downsampling.
- Loop position can modulate filter cutoff.
- Filter modes (low, band, high, cut, peak in moog, svf or biquad).
- Curveable envelopes.
- Modulating start/end (loop or otherwise) reverses playback if end is lower than start.
- 8 voices poly.
The plug-in is available to download at no cost (Windows VST).
More information: Xoxos (KVR Audio)