Sites like YouTube are able to make people popular in a few days. Cool videos are dugg and spread around the internet like a virus, and nobodies rise to fame. The list of YouTube Celebrities keeps growing.
But YouTube is also a place where regular celebrities will find their worst performances, their biggest bloopers and things they’d wish they had never said on camera. So how do the stars cope with these little embarrassments? Call the legal guys and cry copyright infringement!
According to Mashable, Beyonce Knowles’ record company Sony/BMG, has cited copyright infringement for the few seconds of grainy footage that showed the singer falling down the stairs on stage at a concert in Orlando.
Now that doesn’t seem fair. There are numerous videos of Beyonce on YouTube, so if this one is copyright infringement, what does that mean for all the other videos? This would just be a form of censorship, allowing celebrities to cover up an embarrassing incident.
YouTube doesn’t even censor/filter violent videos of teenagers fighting or being bullied. I guess it’s okay for people to see teenagers getting beat up, because it’s just part of life (I believe this is YouTube’s stance on that matter), so we should be able to see Beyonce fall from the stairs as well, right?