Browsing: Freeware

Check out the latest free virtual instruments, audio effects, sound packs and other music production software.

Tekky Synths has released version 1.3 of sYnYx, a freeware VST instrument plug-in for Windows PC. sYnYx features 2x Multi…

Eric Beam has released Multi Comp-1, a Multi-Band Compressor with independent external sidechain capability (for each band). Multi Comp-1 features…

Krakli has released S3B, a freeware string machine VST instrument for Windows PC. The next in the line of S3…

xoxos has released Perfecto, a freeware virtual analog synth VST plug-in for Windows PC. Perfecto has two relatively uncommon features:…

Basement Hum has released basement_crossfade, a simple crossfade plug-in designed for use in Ableton Live. basement_crossfade accepts two audio inputs,…

Runagate releases Mistress Liquifaction, a modification of Jack Dark’s Mister Liquid, a modulated delay FSU effect plug-in. From the manual:…