Puremagnetik has announced the release of PitchSwitch, a new Max for Live device which allows you to repitch and reshape…
Browsing: Max for Live
UplandToys has launched Midular, a collection of modular MIDI processing modules for Max for Live. Midular is my latest venture…
Fabrizio Poce has released version 2.0 of J74 Progressive, a Max for Live tool set for chord progression making and…
Benniy C. Bascom has released Polyrhythmus, a Max for Live device for sequencing drums, melodies, CCs and parameters and/or build…
Amazing Noises has released Pulsor, a virtual synthesizer instrument for Max for Live. It is essentially a monophonic synth that…
Spektro Audio has released version 1.1 of Komplex, a Max for Live synthesizer instrument inspired by the Buchla 261e module.…
Desert Sound Studios has released version 1.2 of Mk-iii, a fully-featured modular drum machine built for Ableton Live. The Mk-iii…
Ableton has announced Ensemble & DiGiTAL, two advanced synthesizer by Max for Cats. Despite the name, Max for Cats is,…
Surreal Machines has launched Dub Machines, a collection of analog modelled dub delay devices for Ableton Live and Max for…
Shoogle Studios has announced Shoogler, a free Max for Live filter device. To celebrate the launch of our new Max…
Spektro Audio has released DRG – Dual Rhythm Generator, a Max for Live device capable of generating clocks and rhythms…
J74 has announced a new Max for Live sequencing and modulation device. StepLocker is based on the concept of parameter…
Amazing Noises has released GliderVerb, a free Max for Live device. GliderVerb is a “reverberator with glissandos” simulating a room…
K-Devices has introduced Herse, a new Max for Live device audio effect designed to rearrange and process audio in real…