D16 Group has announced time limited offers for its complete plug-in collection Total Bundle and Nithonat, a drum synthesizer plug-in…
Browsing: Drum machine
A drum machine is an electronic musical instrument that creates drum and percussion sounds. Classic drum machines include the Linn LM-1, SCI Drumtraks, Oberheim LM-1, and Roland TR-808 & TR-909.
AudioSpillage has released version 1.0.2 of DrumSpillage, a virtual drum synthesizer plug-in for Mac. DrumSpillage is a high quality multi-model…
Korg has announced the release of version 1.1.0 of iELECTRIBE, a virtual analog beatbox for iPad. With the iELECTRIBE, sound…
Tactile Sounds has released version of TS-808, a virtual drum instrument plug-in for Windows which emulates the Roland TR-808…
Propellerhead Software has announced that ReBirth, the software application that started a sea change in the 90’s with soft-synths in…
Image-Line has released version 1.2 of Drumaxx, a virtual percussion instrument plug-in for Windows and Mac. The Drumaxx percussion modeling…
ToneBuilder has announced the release of Hi-Fi 909, a new sample library featuring drum samples from a Roland TR-909 drum…
Goldbaby Productions has released the ReFill version of When Alien Drum Robots Attack!, a drum and FX sample library. WHAT…
Beat Kangz has released version 1.2.1 of Beat Thang Virtual, a beat production software for Windows and Mac. Changes in…
Goldbaby Productions has released When Alien Drum Robots Attack!, a new drum sample library. They have come for our drum…
Tactile Sounds has released the TS-808, a software emulation of the Roland TR-808. The TR-808 service notes provide full schematics…
Native Instruments has announced the release of Maschine 1.5, a major free update that significantly increases the functionality and creative…
Xfer Records has released Nerve, a virtual drum machine instrument for Windows and Mac. Nerve is a software drum machine…
Image-Line has released version 1.1.1 of Drumaxx, a virtual percussion instrument for Windows and Mac. The Drumaxx percussion modeling instrument…