Browsing: Freeware

Check out the latest free virtual instruments, audio effects, sound packs and other music production software.

Hbasm has updated Stereoizer to version 1.1. Stereoizer is an effect plugin which adds a phase-inverted chorus with a slight…

Terry West has released Take1 VSTi version 1.3c, a freeware soundfont player. Take 1 features Playback of sf2 Soundfont files…

Tery West has released MiniMix VST v0.3. MiniMix is a freeware MIDI controller VST instrument plugin. Features Single channel midi…

MaxSynths has released version 1.1 of Galileo, a freeware synth created with SynthEdit. Features 2 OSC (Sine, Saw, Ramp, Triangle,…

Terry West has released MidiMix v0.5, a freeware MIDI controller VST instrument plugin. Features 16 channel midi controller Sends and…

Hbasm has released a freeware mono compatible Stereoizer VST plugin made with Synthmaker. The stereoizer is modelled it after an…

de la Mancha has released version 2 of dirtbox, a freeware parallel compressor / distortion effect for adding filthy fatness…

Liquidclear has released Rectiplyer, a free Octave Distortion VST effect plugin for Windows VST Hosts. Rectiplier was designed to create…